Thursday, February 28, 2013

The 2013 National Trucker's Directory Publishes - 2013

The 2013 National Trucker's Directory publishes. Employees work in the Oscar Wornek Businss Park.

Blast from the Past - Mackay Main Street from Custer aka Highway 93 - 1980

Mackay Main Street taken from Custer aka Highway 93 in 1980. From the Virgil Phillips Collection. Click twice to enlarge photos.
Note the Corner Grocery, Mackay City Hall, LLL Cafe, and Main Theatre on the left. Only the Corner Grocery and Main Theatre buildings still exist in 2013.
Note the Idaho First National Bank, Pence's Market, and Lost River Cafe on the right. None of these buildings still exist in 2013.

Same views of Mackay Main Street 26 Feb 2013. Monkey Madness Video (same building as Ivie's Corner Grocery), Mackay City Hall (built after the 1983 Earthquake), Clock Cigar Store (same building as 1980), Mackay Main Theatre (same building as 1980).
US Bank (2013) replaces Idaho First National Bank (1980 photo). Ireland Bank (2013) replaces Pence's Market (1980)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mackay High School Boy's Basketball Headed to Idaho State Championships - February 27 2013

Coach Chris Peterson, Assistant Coach Pat Moore and Assistant Coach and Athletic Director, Jack McKelvey with the Mackay Miner 2013 Team.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blast from the Past - Mackay Main Street 1942

North Side of Mackay Idaho Main Street between Pine and Custer aka Highway 93 in 1942. Tommy Gim's Imperial Cafe, The Snug, Hudd's Confectionery aka Tschanz's Confectionery and the the tall building behind on the right is Stacy's Department Store. None of these buildings still exist in 2013.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Remembering - Mildred May Phillips Ivie - Obituary 1954

Mildred May Phillips was the third child and second daughter of John Edward and Emma Eliza Street Phillips. Mildred was born in Park City, Utah on November 7, 1904. Her father was a blacksmith and miner in Park City at the time.
John Edward Phillips and Emma Eliza Street and John Edward Phillips on their Wedding Day May 4 1899

In 1907, the family moved to Salt Lake City and lived there until 1918. During this eleven-year period, seven more brothers and sisters were born. Eventually, her parents would have thirteen children, including four sets of twins. Mildred as one of the oldest in the family had a great deal of responsibility in helping with these younger brothers and sisters.

In 1918, her father went to Mackay, Idaho, a booming mining town, to start a blacksmith shop. Just before school started in 1918, Mildred, her mother, and the other children joined him. It was difficult to find housing in Mackay when they arrived.

While attending school in Mackay, Mildred met Orie Ivie. One day Orie invited Virgil, her brother, to help him pull over an outhouse. With the help of their horses and plenty of rope, they pulled and pulled and finally managed to get the outhouse set up in the middle of town. The Marshall was secretly watching, and just as they finished, sweaty and tired, the Marshall told them it was time to take the outhouse back. 

Mildred left home to marry in 1923.
Orie P Ivie, Sr.
The night before Orie and she were to be married, Orie's sister Ada gave her a bridal shower and Orie did not get Mildred home until midnight. Ed was waiting at the door with a razor strap. He was going to give Mildred a whipping for being out so late! He told Orie not to come back until he could keep gentleman's hours! 

Mildred and Orie were married February 23, 1923. 

Their twins Orrin and Orie were born November 11, 1923. Mildred was busy with two babies. Mildred always had a great sense of humor and when someone asked her, "How do you ever get that diaper smell off your hands"? She jokingly replied, "Make bread!" Ha!

Mildred had a girl, Phyllis May Ivie, on 1 September 1927. She died when she was two and a half years old of TB (tuberculosis) Meningitis. She was buried in the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery in Mackay. 

Two years later a son Leonard was born, July 19, 1929. Later he was called Corky. He was followed by Billy February 8, 1931; E. Lorraine Ivie Acciavatti,
; and Betty June Ivie (McAlister)  June 29, 1936. All of the children were born in Mackay, Idaho. Mildred's mother Emma was the midwife for all the deliveries. 
White Knob is just above Mackay, Idaho. Mildred Phillips Ivie (cook) shown with the cook shanty and the boys bunk house on White Knob

The family lived in Mackay during these years while Orie worked building roads in the area. He also worked mining at White Knob a few miles above Mackay. The water was brought up from the creek and living conditions were very primitive. The mine closed in 1928. 

On August 15, 1934 the family moved to Atlanta, Idaho where Orie worked in the silver and gold mines.

Her daughter remembers those early years. We came back to Mackay for Betty's birth in June of 1936. The twins rode the entire distance back to Atlanta on the running boards of the truck because thre wasn't enough room for them to ride inside. 

In our home in Atlanta, there were always friends and music. It was a beehive of activity. My dad and the twins, Orie and Orrin, played musical instruments.

To help ends meet, my mother, 
Emma Eliza Street Phillips, took in boarders who loved her and called her mom. We always had plenty of good food to eat. Mom was an excellent cook and could put a scrumptious meal on the table in nothing flat. Mom also took in laundry and ironing. She would box it up neatly and we kids would deliver it in our red Radio Flyer wagon. On top was a freshly baked loaf of bread.

My mother's health was never very good. She was born with leakage of the heart, which later turned into enlargement of the heart.

In Atlanta there was lots of snow. My mother could ski and snow shoe with ease. She also loved to dance, which my twin brother's would play for town dances.

Atlanta had a bad fire which destroyed a lot of the town. It was a terrifying time. My folks helped many to get their things saved from the flames. When the fire was over, our house was full of people staying for a while. My mom would put out food fit for a banquet with such ease. She was in her glory when helping other people.

We moved to Hiawatha, Utah August 30, 1943 so that Orie could get work in the coal mines. While there, we had many problems with Billy who was retarded. My folk's placed him in a training school in American Fork. It was very hard on the whole family, especially my mom, probably one of the hardest things she had to do. Visiting Billy was very heart wrenching.

Billy Lee Ivie
We left Hiawatha, Utah on a greyhound bus April 16, 1946. We arrived three and a half days later in Seattle, Washington. The folks had tickets for the steamship to Alaska. But found when we went to pier 42, that there was a longshoreman strike. We went every day to the pier but the strike lingered on. A lot of other people were also waiting for passage to Alaska. They decided to charter an aircraft to fly them there. It had been eighteen days in hotels and eating out. The expense was taking a heavy toll on everyone's finances. We had six in our family, so it was expensive. 

A plane was eventually chartered and loaded with our goods and people. Off we went!. We developed engine trouble before we reached Annette Island. Turning around, the plane flew back to Seattle where it was repaired. 

We left again the next day arriving on May 7, 1946. Upon arriving in Alaska, we stayed at the Parson's Hotel for about a week before finding a place to rent. 

My dad, John Edward Phillips, got a job on Elmendorf Air Force Base, my mom with Anchorage Laundry and Cleaners.

My dad started building a log house on some land they had bought. There wasn't any electricity, plumbing, or water. We hauled our water for a quarter of a mile from a pitcher pump. We had gas lanterns, did our laundry on the washboard.

My mom couldn't leave Billy so far from her. So they took him to Alaska. The folk's gave away and sold almost everything they owned except for a very few personal things. It was like going to an unknown land, a kin to covered wagon days. My parents had always had the dream of going to Alaska, so after the war was over, they were off to pursue their dream, whatever it would bring.

The first year mom took a job with Anchorage Laundry and Cleaners. She was allowed to bring Billy with her. She and Billy both enjoyed the job. She worked one year, until her health really started to fail.

She took pills to keep body fluid down, then shots, then tapping. She was to go through this process many times in the next five years. She never uttered a complaint. You never knew how bad she felt, as she was always "fine!" My mom in her illness was an inspiration to anyone who knew her. She accepted her lot in life. It wasn't easy, but she stayed gentle, kind and loved everyone. In all ways, she was a saint!!

She was concerned for Billy's welfare, after her death. She said, "I could go in peace, if I knew Billy would be taken care of." I said, "He will be." Even in death, her concern was for someone else. 

Mildred may Phillips Ivie died on Mother's Day, May 12, 1954 in Anchorage, Alaska and was buried a few days later in Angelus Memorial Park, Anchorage, Alaska.

Contributed by Carol Tilton.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mackay's Famous Blue Skies Today - February 24 2013

Double Click to Enlarge
Mt McCaleb (peak on left with elevation of 11,682 feet), Lower Cedar Creek (canyon in the middle) with Mackay, Idaho below on February 24 2013.
Mine Hill from the Cattle Guard with the Mine Hill Tour sign on February 24 2013.

Mackay High School Boy's Basketball Headed To State Tournament - February 28 2013

Good Luck Coach Chris Peterson and the whole Mackay Miner Team!

Remembering - Dan W. Miller Obituary Mackay Miner 1954

Mt. McCaleb Cemetery, Mackay, Idaho

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kevin Mora Wins Twice Today - Idaho High School State Wrestling Tournament - February 22 2013

Mackay School Levy and Information Sessions Scheduled - Letter from Superintendent Karen Pyron - February 20 2013

Click twice to enlarge for reading.

Mackay High School's Send Off to Kevin Mora to the State Wrestling Tournament February 21 2013

Guest Photos from S. Mora. Mackay High School did not have enough wrestlers to field a team, so Kevin Mora has been wrestling with the Challis High School Team known as the Blackhearts.
The Mackay Fire Truck leads the Challis High School Travel Bus with Kevin Mora aboard and the Challis Blackhearts out of Mackay to the State Wrestling Tournament 2013 (Guest Photo by S. Mora). 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kid's Creek Ices Over and Floods Both Above and Below the Bridge on Smelter Avenue - February 21 2013

Flooding from above Kid's Creek on Smelter Ave Feb 21 2013 (Guest Photo Above from Webb's). The official name of Kid's Creek is Swauger Slough.
Flooding from below Kid's Creek on Smelter Ave at Marinac's RV Campground Feb 21 2013.
Smelter Avenue is dry as Kemmer demonstrated this afternoon Feb 21 2013.

Mackay High School's Kevin Mora To Wrestle at State Tournament 2013

Kevin Mora of the Mackay High School is District Champion 2013.

Remembering Thomas J Donahue - Obituary 1973

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Remembering - Jack "Happy Jack" Wesson - Obituary 1928

Jack Wesson is buried at Mt. McCaleb Cemetery in Mackay, Idaho in an unmarked grave located in Block 58, Lot 1, N 1/2.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blast from the Past - Ray Phillips Ice House and Blacksmith Shop

Circa 1930's to 1950's, Ray Phillips had an ice house and blacksmith shop (buildings on the left) on the corner of Elm and Salmon next to their family home (the red roofed structure in the middle of the photo below). Photo taken Feb 17 2013.
Former Ray Phillips Garage and later a laundromat on the corner of Elm and Salmon April 3 2010.

The Phillips home was just across the street from the Union Pacific Oregon Short Line Railroad in Mackay, Idaho. Pictured Mildred, Della, Virgil, Veron, Ray, Roy Phillips on Salmon in Mackay across from the water tower for the railroad.
Unidentified Phillips family members standing in front of their house on Salmon at Elm across from the Union Pacific Oregon Short Line Railroad in Mackay, Idaho.

 Grandmother Emma Eliza Street Phillips  (below).

Historical photos of the same location on Elm and Salmon.
Wooden building is Phillips Ice House circa 1930's. From the Sharon Phillips Huff Collection. Ray also had a blacksmith shop.
Wooden building is Phillips Ice House circa 1930's. Pictured children: Posey, Lawrence, Glenn, Vernal Phillips (Veron's), Lorraine Singer, Lorraine Ivie, Betty Ivie, Lois Singer, Corky Ivie (the Ivie's were Mildred's) Lois and Lorraine were twins of Minnie, the oldest daughter of Ed and Emma From the Sharon Phillips Huff Collection.
Children: Posey, Lawrence, Glenn, Vernal Phillips (Veron's), Lorraine Singer, Lorraine Ivie, Betty Ivie, Lois Singer, Corky Ivie (the Ivie's were Mildred Phillips Ivie) Lois and Lorraine were twins of Minnie, the oldest daughter of Ed and Emma

After World War II, Ray Phillips took his Dad's old blacksmith shop and rebuilt it into a garage and then added a cinder block addition for a show room. He secured a Jeep Dealership at Phillips Motor in Mackay and sold Jeep vehicles and made repairs on all makes of cars until August 1951. Ray also did lots of acetylene and electric welding. Pictured: Ray Phillips.