Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blast from the Past - Mackay Miner Mid Summer Edition 1908 Page 8 of 9



You will notice by the map marked “Lucky Mackay,” that Mackay is situated in the very center of Lost River Valley, and in the central part of the state of Idaho. It is the terminus of the Oregon Short Line railroad. We have at his place an institution called “Green Forwarding House,” which is safe to say that there is as much freight handled at this place as in any part of the west. And about five hundred head of horses are in use hauling this freight to the different points in interior Idaho, and to the different points west of Mackay in Lost River Valley.

At the top of the map you will notice marked, “Alto District,” which is described in another part of this paper, to this, together with other points on west, Loon Creek, Challis, Clayton, Stanley Basin and other mining points. Fine mountain roads have been built, making the freighting a very pleasant business, and the result has been that a great many teams have been pressed into service, and more are needed at present for the purpose of taking in coke and other supplies to the great mines of the interior.

The freighting is worked very systematically, as all teams are loaded both ways. Teams going into the interior of the country are loaded with supplies and other materials for mines, while teams coming back bring rich lead, copper and gold for treatment, and the prospects are that the day is not very far distance when other smelters will be put in at Mackay to treat this ore, and Mackay will not only be the commercial center, but smeltering center for all mining properties of this district.

This industry makes a market for a great deal of grain, and hay not only for the use of the freighters, but a great deal of grain is freighted into the different mining districts of this point, where horses play an important part in the mining enterprises being carried on.

Herewith is presented a picture of a freight outfit which is just leaving Mackay. There are eighty horse in this one train, hauling fifteen large freight wagons all loaded to the brim with coke for the smelters of the interior and supplies for the mills, mines and the men employed therein. A caravan of teams and an army of men are given employment in the freight industry along and a market is created for all the grain grown on Lost river. This business is the means of the distribution of thousands of dollars annually among the farmers and business men of the valley.
Eighty Horse Freight Outfit Leaving Mackay for the
Mackay and Central Idaho Stage Co.’s Six Horse Concord Stage. This Company Operates One Of The Largest Stage Lines in Idaho.


The United States has recently established and is maintaining forest reserves throughout Central Idaho. The Lemhi reserve is tributary to Mackay, embracing in the neighborhood of a million acres. Nine men are employed by the government on this one reserve, with headquarters at Mackay. The purpose of the forest reserve is the preservation of timber, distribute evenly and regulate the grazing of cattle, horses, sheep and other domestic animals and for the prevention and extinguishment of fires.

Figures from the other reserves in effect in Central Idaho are lacking, but we find by the records that there are in this reserve some fifty millions of feet of merchantable timber, and that the reserve is now affording grazing, at about 25 cents per head, for 18,500 cattle and horses and 71,800 head of sheep. The reserves direct the cutting of timber, issuing free use permits for fuel wood and other domestic purposes, and see that the forests are not damaged by wanton cutting. The sytem insures a wood supply and grazing for large bands of sheep and herds of cattle for all time.

Mackay is a town of romance from the view point of endeavor. Her people are happy in many great tasks. They are making headway but they are still inviting the easterner, the man with a little money, strength and a clear mind to join with them in accomplishing the development of the wealth God planted here for the benefit of the human race. Come!


Hydro-electric power – an energy generated by nature with the aid of man’s inventions – will some time be the force that will operate a system of mine railways and electric plants throughout central Idaho. Dozens of streams, with thousand’s of cubic feet of water per second, offer every advantage in the world to the electrical engineer and capitalist and natural reservoirs abound in the mountainous region surrounding the big mines and connecting the cities of this district. Already there is underway a proposition to utilize the waters of Cedar creek, a short distance above Mackay, for the generation of light and power to be used here, and other ideas along the same line are fast coming to a head.

The main difficulty in mining at the present time is in the transportation of ore and the operation of smelters and stamp mils. By conserving the water power of the hills and turning it through hydro-dynamos, sufficient power can be produced to run electric railways down to Mackay and to turn the mighty mills at the mines. Salmon river alone could furnish such power, while the other streams could furnish power for any kind of mill or manufacturing plant that may later be established in this section.

Sunshiny days, over 300 in the year, makes Central Idaho the best place to live in the entire West. 
 H W Weiler's Residence 1908 (may be the house on the corner of White Knob and Main)
 Mackay's Baseball Team 1908
 Baseball Game at Mackay 1908
The Way Mackay Turns Out On Our Nation's Birthday 1908.

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