Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blast from the Past - Mackay Miner Mid Summer Edition 1908 Page 3 of 9


tion in the future is assured. The group lies in the mineral belt that courses through the mountains near town on which several proven mines are situated.


On the head of Antelope creek some fifteen miles from Mackay, a company composed of Pittsburg people are delving into the earth and the efforts put forth are resulting in opening up another mine in the district. Ore is at present being shipped from this company’s ground, the picture of sacks being a small quantity at the railroad tracks at Darlington. They are at present working about fifteen men on this property, but just now the owners are on the ground and arrangements are being made to greatly increase the force, as the ore bodies have opened up wonderfully in the past few week, making room for more miners. Thus the work of advancement in the lines of mining goes merrily on, keeping pace with the rapid advancement in farming which is just now greatly actuated by great reservoir projects.


The Columbia Standard Mining company own and are operating in a small way the Great Eastern Group of claims on the headwaters of Cliff creek, some seven miles from Mackay. The ore bodies in all these claims are capped over by either large bodies of copper-iron, or by porphyritic quartz, the underlying ores carrying values in gold, silver, copper and lead, ranging from $5 to $50 per ton. The latest assays demonstrate the preponderance of gold. This company has struggled along for years and here, too, recent development work is bringing to the surface the values. The Standard Company is very fortunate in the possession of this group of excellent claims, the surface croppings of which can be traced for hundreds of feet. They have in common with the above qualities the appearance of continuity and permanency.


Only this spring the prospectors began roaming the hills in the neighborhood of Navarre creek and some startling discoveries are the result. Copper, gold, silver, and antimony ores have been found and the claim owners are working diligently to prove the value of their prospects. Here, as elsewhere in the district, when claims are located with judgment, the shafts and tunnels reveal some of the precious metals.


Forty miles above Mackay, on the head waters of Lost river, is another mining district which in future years will contribute to the business volume of the town and country. Here a great system of veins of mineral, principally cooper, silver and lead, occur. Two companies are at present operating in the district, the Big Lost River Progressive Mining Co., and the Alta Cooper Mining Co. About twenty men are employed in this district and the work being carried on is proving the properties beyond doubt. It is quite likely that this camp will become one of the noted mining centers in the west for the surface showings are as great as can be found in any man’s country and the development is proving the opinion of the experts who have visited the district and the men who are putting their money into the projects. A month, a year, certainly not more than two years, will find this camp connected with Mackay by railroad. When things do move in a mining way they move fast and the men who are investing in the Alto district are all mining men of keen judgment, of great reputation for success in mining ventures and the Alto district is on of the certainties in the mining industry of the country.


This company is composed largely of Chicago people. A group of claims within sight of town are certainly promising, to say the least. Development work on a small scale has been carried on for several years and a large quantity of ore has been encountered. At present the property is being worked by leasers, who are taking out ore for shipment and a nice “clean-up” is in sight for them.


On Alder creek there are numerous properties of more or less importance, some of which are bound to come into their own in due time. There is silver-lead and copper sprinkled through this district and a larger inhabitation with more development and prospect on the creek ten miles from Mackay will add to the production of the precious metals in this vicinity.


Some twenty-five miles to the southwest of Mackay is a large basin, entirely surrounded by mountains, which has been very little prospected, but the presence of copper ore in the district was so abundant that the early settlers who ranged cattle in the country early applied the name “Copper Basin.” Here too, a few mines are now in the stage of development and shipments from several properties have been made that have netted the owners a handsome profit.


Some fifty miles to the north the Salmon river country is tapped by freight and stage coach roads and scattered along this mighty stream are innumerable mining claims, many paying mines and untold properties yet to be discovered. Many small shippers are operating in the Salmon river district, dredges are being installed this year for the placer gold and the country is more active than ever before. Space forbids as extensive a description as the country deserves.

On of the best paying gold properties in the country – the Sunbeam mine – is included in this territory, while the Lost Packer mine and the White Knob copper mines are also of immense value. Hundreds of men and horses are employed in the mining.

 George L Morgan's Store 1908
 Lost River Development Company's Office In Course Of Construction 1908
 Lost River Commercial Company 1908
 Milt Russell's Office Saloon 1908
 McKenzie and Company Saloon, Strunk Rooming House, Williams Barber Shop 1908
 Cedar Falls Where Power and Light Is Soon To Be Generated 1908
S K Paxton Drugs 1908

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