Friday, May 31, 2013

Kerry Mitchell Steele Passes Away May 19 2013

Kerry Mitchell Steele was born March 14, 1969, to Mavanee Mitchell Steele and Roger R Steele. He passed away at the age of 44 on May 19, 2013, in Idaho Falls.
He grew up in Shelley and attended elementary and junior high school there, graduating from Shelley High School with high honors in 1987. His best friends were his two brothers, Kim and Kelly, but he was a friend to all and had a contagious smile, quick wit and fun personality. He enjoyed playing football, running track and working many hours at Pizza Hut to pay for his truck and fun.
After a year of college, he served his Heavenly Father with dedication on a church mission to Toronto, Canada. His mission blessed his life in countless ways. Very shortly after returning home, he met his wife, LaRell Smith, and they were married in the Idaho Falls Temple in October 1990.
College filled the next few years of Kerry's life as he excelled in his studies at Ricks College, then Idaho State University and finally on to St. Louis University, where he received a Bachelor's Degree as a Physician Assistant, graduated magna cum laude and received the award for most outstanding PA student. Later, he received his Masters Degree from the University of Nebraska.
Kerry used his incredible memory and compassionate manner in treating his medical patients for the next 15 years. He truly enjoyed helping people while practicing medicine and was very loved by his many patients in Rexburg, Arco and Idaho Falls. In spite of his declining health the last two years, his main goal was to be able to work as a physician assistant again.
Four amazing children call Kerry "Dad": Amanda, Kieran, Lauren and Kason. Kerry loved his children so very much and was so proud of them and their varied talents and abilities! Boating, 4-wheeling, shooting, skiing, snowmobiling, playing guitars, listening to music and watching movies were just some of the many things he loved doing with his family.
Kerry was a person who could never sit still. He could be so energetic and silly and fun. He could sing, play the guitar beautifully and he could make up new lyrics to a song in an instant. He kept his yard beautiful, his truck clean, and he liked to smell and look good. He was a skilled snowmobile rider and loved it. He was very athletic, played many sports and kept fit by lifting weights most of his life.
He served in several church callings through the years in Elders Quorum and Sunday school, but spent the most time in Primary. He had a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. He was a giver. He gave the gift of good health to his patients. He loved Christmas and giving gifts, and even putting up the outdoor Christmas lights. He loved his animals and he loved his family.
Kerry is survived by his wife of 22 years, LaRell; his four children, Amanda, Kieran, Lauren and Kason; his parents, Mavanee Steele, Roger Steele and stepmother Peg; and his two brothers, Kelly Steele and Kim Steele and their families. He is also survived by a large extended family.
His funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today, May 24, at the Eagle Rock Stake Center, 2020 Charlotte Drive in Idaho Falls. The viewing will be from 1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. prior to funeral services. His burial will follow the funeral at Hillcrest Cemetery in Shelley.
Kerry, we miss you and love you and we want to be with you forever! Condolences can be sent to the family at
Family Tribute

Blast from the Past - Charles S. Carlisle - Mackay Miner December 14 1961

Thursday, May 30, 2013

City of Mackay Public Hearing on Property Exchange Scheduled for June 4 2013

Below, City of Mackay Work Shed would go to Mackay's Mosquito Abatement District.
Below, the old Lost River Highway District Building on McCaleb would go to the City of Mackay Maintenance
Below, the new Lost River Highway District Shop is complete and occupied on Stockman's Drive.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Moose in Mackay - May 26 2013

Large bull moose takes it easy by the Big Lost River in Mackay, Idaho May 26 2013.
Then strolled down the road. See short video by Bonnie Drumwright at this link: 

2013 Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Book Displayed Memorial Day - May 26 2013

Jani and Robbyn finished up the final Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Book Alpha List for Memorial Day 2013 this morning and the printing began. Then, Jani and I drove the updated book out to the cemetery, cleaned the little kiosk where the cemetery book is kept, and placed our "work of art" in its place.
Judy Malkiewicz placing the 2013 Memorial Day Cemetery Book in the Smith Kiosk at the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery, Mackay, Idaho.

We put up signs (yellow) directing people to the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Book location.
Contents of the covered cemetery book case (2013 Memorial Day Cemetery Book, scratch paper and pencils, cemetery plat maps, and an article about the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Book burning up in April 1938 when Mackay City Hall burned to the ground - limiting the accuracy of the cemetery book today between 1901 and 1938).

Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Veteran's Graves Each Honored With A U.S. Flag - May 24 2013

Back in 2002, I walked the Mt McCaleb Cemetery in Mackay (Custer County) Idaho and photographed EVERY headstone (approximately 1,500). I, then worked on entering all of the data from the headstones and photos to ( link: ). As you may imagine, this was a daunting task, but I LOVED working on it! I love our cemetery in Mackay, Idaho and all of my deceased maternal relatives are buried here (below the Malkiewicz-Lundberg graves)! We decorate with yellow mums each year because Mom loved them. My headstone will be here too when it is time.

I made a typed plat map of the cemetery. You might think I was proficient at making things like this - I WAS NOT and it took me a long time to create.
We (Earl Lockie and I) enlarged and framed the plat map for display at the cemetery. Harold Smith's family provided the little open kiosk building for the display and cemetery book.
Since, 2002, I have kept a typed excel Cemetery Book for the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery so people can find their graves. Sample Section:

City Manager, Ken Day, keeps the official cemetery book at Mackay City Hall and he HELPED me identify the location of more than 7 pages of graves that were missing from my list. I WANTED TO HUG THIS MAN!!!!

Before this time, it was a "wander around the cemetery" to find your graves.

Each Memorial Day, the American Legion and the local scouts place a memorial U.S. Flag on each veteran's gave (approximately 200 at this time). Locating the veteran's graves has always been a challenge and NOT MISSING any even a more or a formidable task. Hence, this year, I wanted to create a document that could used by the flag bearers showing the location of all the veteran's graves. I had a really good start on the project with Jani and Robbyn arrived to HELP ME - thank the universe! They literally spent days in the cemetery verifying  the location of graves and updating the excel list.

I made arrangements with he Olsen's for the local Cub and Boy Scouts, along with Scoutmaster Wayne Olsen and the Commander of the local American Legion, Campbell Gardett to meet at the cemetery this morning to place a U.S. Flag at each veteran's grave using the NEW SYSTEM. I was so happy to see so much help this morning!

Scoutmaster Wayne Olsen instructed the scouts on why we honor veterans in this way and how to place the U.S. Flag in their honor locations at each veteran's grave. 

Each adult leader took scouts and a bundle of flags and off they went in a systematic way to mark the veteran's graves. The flags will be picked up and stored at the American Legion on the evening of Memorial Day until next year. 
(Above) Cubs and Boy Scouts who lent a hand included L to R Standing Adults: Judy Malkiewicz, Jani Malkiewicz, Lana Pehrson, Wayne Olsen, Lucky Rogers and his daughter, Cassie Rogers, Shirley Olsen, Campbell Gardett. Boys L to R: Christopher Ivie, Nolan Moorman, Bryson Woodbury, Danny Robertson, Nick Burroughs, Lafe Gamett, Jayden Bell, Cassie Rogers, Caleb Hampton, and Joey Robertson.

Cub Scouts from Pack 98, Jayden Bell, Caleb Hampton, and Lafe Gamett (below) were great helpers!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Days - May 25 2013

American Legion Auxiliary Members, Joan Hauck, Judy Malkiewicz, and Cora Lockie outside the Mackay Idaho Post Office with Memorial Day Poppies. May 25 2013

Friends Meet at Ivies - May 24 2013

Lois Amy Munson and Judy Malkiewicz at Ivies May 24 2013.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blast from the Past - Placing Veteran's Wreath at Mt. McCaleb Cemetery - Memorial Day 2006

McKenna Mangan, Tia Carlson, Aria Mangan, Colie Carlson at Mt. McCaleb Cemetery Memorial Day 2006. All members of the American Legion Auxiliary Juniors and honoring our veterans.

Carlson Family Enjoys a Meal at the Mine Hill Grill - May 23 2013

Joined by Grandmother Rulla Smith, 2013 Mackay High School graduate, Colie Carlson enjoys a meal at the Mine Hill Grill with her parents Patrick and Trisha Carlson on May 23 2013.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mackay High School Class of 2013 Graduates - May 21 2013

Good luck to all of the Mackay High School Class of 2013 Graduates! Shown here at their Senior Breakfast at the American Legion Hall.

Adam Lambert gives Valedictorian Address at the Mackay High School Class of 2013 Graduation May 21 2013
 Mackay High School Class of 2013 Celebrate their graduation.

List of 2013 Mackay High School Graduates:
Caden Betzer
Colie Carlson
Heather Gamett
Erica Green
Selena Gregory
Tayor Ivie
Adam Lambert
Francis Magee
Jordyn Marcroft
Gabrielle McIntosh
Steven Neal
Daina Nuttal
Duncan Rightler
Cheyenne Rogers
Dustin Rosenkrance
Shade Rosenkrance
Megan Spaulding
Mariah VanAken
Bailey Woodbury

Results of the Mackay School Board Election for Zone's 3 and Zone 1 - May 21 2013

Mackay School Board winners of the Zone 3 and Zone 1 Election Held May 21 2013 are:

Zone 3: Chance Pehrson defeats Bob Burroughs

Zone 1: Jake Johnson defeats Daryn Moorman 

Congratulations to our new Mackay School Board Members!

Mackay Elementary School with landscape improvement on 18 July 2011.

The Annex Building shown below has been closed.
Mackay High School Building Sept 13 2012.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mackay City Foreman, Ken Day Works to Replace Sidewalk Damage Along Main Street - May 21 2013

Mackay City Foreman, Ken Day works on pulling up sidewalks that need replacement after their facelift in July 2011. Frost heaves in he 2011 poured sidewalks have prevented several businesses from being able to open their front doors along Main Street..

Mackay School Board District 182 Election for Zones 1 and 3 To Be Held May 21 2013

The Mackay School Board Election is scheduled for May 21 2013 at the Mackay Fire Hall, 8 AM to 8 PM. Get out and VOTE! 

Remember to bring a photo ID for voting. Only people in the Mackay School District Zones 1 and 3 may Vote on May 21st, 2013

Candidates Running in Zone 3 (Mackay and Leslie):

  • Chance Pehrson
  • Bob Burroughs

Candidates Running in Zone 1 (Battleground):

  • Jake Johnson
  • Daryn Moorman

Monday, May 20, 2013

Views of Mackay, Idaho From Cessna 179 Taken May 12 2013

Double click to enlarge photos for best views.