Mackay Idaho's LDS Church Replaces Sewer Line - August 21 2012
Dale Huffaker and Ron Brown working on the sewer line replacement at Mackay's LDS Church on Spruce.
Mackay City Manager, Ken Day (red shirt), looks over the work (below).
Dale Huffaker and Ron Brown. August 21 2012 at the Mackay Idaho LDS Church.
Ron Brown filling in the trench.
Dale Huffaker and Ken Day extendng LDS Church sewer line to the main line in Spruce Street.
Ken Day hooking in to main sewer line in Spruce Street.
Ron Brown filling in the trench.
August 23 2012
I was at the school doing playground duty and lo and behold, I looked over at the church and saw you there. You and your camera are everywhere. I LOVE IT!